Friday, November 16, 2007

Some Updates

Recently I have been taking a lot of leave, and I mean a lot. And so far its been wonderful. Getting some time for myself, spending some time reflecting.

Today for the first time, my prayers got answered... and I mean like literally. I prayed for God to give me a strike, (at the bowling alley, not with a whip) and yes, sure enough the next one was a strike. Mmmm, Donuts... Wait no, Mmmmm Inner Solace.

Back in China 12th-25th Decembre. Yes, I'll be back, and I may be bringing some tag alongs... More Later.


Joce! All My Love:D

Podcast tomorrow, feel throughly un-prepared.

Je me cours de Francais a Demain, Je suis mort. (Don't make fun of my french.) Allez! Guinea-Bissau!

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